The failure of music education in compulsory educationpossiblecauses and solutions

  1. Rafael Villanueva Liñán 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


Conference Proceedings CIVAE 2022: 4th Interdisciplinary and Virtual Conference on Arts in Education May 11-12, 2022

Verlag: MusicoGuia

ISBN: 978-84-124511-5-3

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Seiten: 427-432

Kongress: Conference Proceedings CIVAE (4. 2022. null)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


Musicality is something innate. The importance of music in our society is evident, in addition to its cultural value, for being an important vehicle of expression, for its ability to generate feelings and passions,for its value as a means of entertainment, for being an engine of social change, for being an importantsource of economic income and for its therapeutic value, among others. We observe, however, that thetrend in recent years is to reduce the number of teaching hours in Primary and to make their study optional in Secondary Education. This paper aims to reflect on the reason for this progressive disappearance of musical education. One of the reasons we point out is the lack of visible results in our studentsand this is due, not so much to how has been taught, but what has been taught. Our theory is that weare not really teaching music in music lessons, that more importance is given to extramusical activitiesthan to instrumental and compositional practice, and that there are methodological alternatives.