Consumo de fármacos opiáceos en la ciudad de MadridFactores sanitarios y sociodemográficos asociados

  1. Eduardo J. Pedrero-Pérez
  2. Sara Morales-Alonso
  3. Blanca Álvarez-Crespo
  4. María Teresa Benítez-Robredo
Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol

ISSN: 0214-4840

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 33

Issue: 3

Pages: 235-244

Type: Article

More publications in: Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol


The use of opiate analgesics has led to a health and social emergency in the United States. In Spain, according to official data, the prescription of these drugs has risen dramatically in the last decade. This study explores the prevalence of the use of these drugs and the health and socio-demographic characteristics of their consumers in the city of Madrid. A telephone survey was carried on a stratified, randomised sample, asking about the use of these drugs and whether or not they were medically prescribed. The sample consisted of n=8,845 subjects aged between 15 and 98 years. Sixteen percent stated that they had used these drugs in the last year and 9.1% had taken them in the last two weeks. Consumption was more frequent among women, lower social class and lower level of education. Among the youngest group (15- 29 years old) 12.5% had already used it. Those who use opioids report worse perceived health, lower quality of life, more mental health problems, more loneliness, more use of other psychoactive drugs, more frequent daily use of tobacco and less problematic consumption of alcohol. Ten percent of those who use them do so without a doctor’s prescription. Combining these data with the prescription data offered by the Ministry of Health, it is necessary to pay attention to a problem that may become apparent in the coming years, and the adoption of urgent measures to tackle it before it brings the Spanish situation closer to that already well known in countries of our socio-political environment is advised.

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