Eficiencia de las terapias¿un paso más allá de la eficacia?

  1. María Xesús FROXÁN-PARGA
  2. Jesús ALONSO-VEGA
  4. Víctor ESTAL MUÑOZ
Apuntes de Psicología

ISSN: 0213-3334

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Jornadas Críticas de Psicología

Volume: 36

Issue: 1-2

Pages: 55-62

Type: Article

More publications in: Apuntes de Psicología


The proliferation of outcome research has placed the cognitive-behavioral model as the therapy of choice for most psychological problems. This type of research leaves aside the analysis of behavioral change processes that underlie the success of different treatmentstechniques. Therefore, it would no longer be important to know what is that makes a technique works as long as it gives the expected results. Consequently, the cognitive-behavioral model has lost the theoretical reflection and the experimental foundation that characterized the modification of behavior on which it was based on its origins. From our perspective, process research would be a necessary preliminary step to outcome research so that it could explain how and why psychological treatments work, avoiding that the clinician simply applies the procedures described in the standardized manuals