La prescripción de informaciónel prosumer y el ciberactivismo en los tiempos del storytelling

  1. Gema Góngora Díaz
  2. David Lavilla Muñoz 1
  1. 1 Universidad Europea
Libro de comunicaciones del XIX Congreso de Periodismo Digital de Huesca
  1. José Juan Verón Lassa (coord.)
  2. Fernando Sabés Turmo (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación de Periodistas de Aragón

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 106-111

Congress: Congreso de Periodismo Digital de Huesca (19. 2018. Huesca)

Type: Conference paper


The editorial industry is living a paradigm shift. The new prosumer not only consume productsand prescribe them, but also create and viralize information. This is a new challenge for themedia because, far from trying to seek confrontations with their client, is trying to seduce himto continue believing that the established information process is the most convenient for him.But try to convince the prescribing user that some informative actions, like those generated byFake News, can be very harmful for the communicative context, is not an easy task, in a hyperconsumer society in which the main thing is to continue to maintain the system transmedia.And this new storytelling is very attractive for this new network user. So much so, that it mayhave been trapped, perhaps forever, in a cyclical story that he self-generates.