Tratamiento informativo de los digitales "As" y "Marca" sobre el videoarbitraje (VAR) en el fútbol profesional español

  1. López Vicente, Álvaro
Supervised by:
  1. Rafael Carrasco Polaino Director
  2. José Bernardo San Juan Director
  3. Pedro García-Alonso Montoya Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 September 2021

  1. María del Pinar Agudiez Calvo Chair
  2. Sergio Mena Muñoz Secretary
  3. Ernesto Villar Cirujano Committee member
  4. David Lavilla Muñoz Committee member
  5. Xosé Ramón Rodríguez Polo Committee member

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis investigates the informative treatment of video refereeing in Spanish professional soccer, due to its great impact and significance in this sport. This dissertation statistically studies the information published by the online version of newspapers As and Marca that contains the word “videoarbitraje” and / or “VAR”, between November 27, 2018 and November 27, 2019. The main objective was to find out the differences between the information published on video refereeing or VAR of the two online newspapers under study. This period of analysis was chosen because it was during the 2018/2019 season when the video refereeing system was incorporated for the first time officially in the First Division of the Spanish Professional Soccer League (LFP). As and Marca were selected as online newspapers specialized in sports information to carry out the comparative analysis, because they had the highest unique visitors in terms of sports information during the period under study (Asociación para la Investigación de los Medios de Comunicación [AIMC], 2020: 64). The content analysis methodology was applied and a statistical methodology was also used to identify significant differences between the two online newspapers analyzed. Contingency tables with Chi-square tests were used. A Likert-type questionnaire was also applied...