Using corporal awareness as a resource to improve emotional intelligence and communication of higher education teachers in the classrooms

  1. Terrón López, María José 1
  2. Rodríguez Jiménez, Rosa María 1
  3. Velasco Quintana, Paloma Julia 1
  4. García Parra, Patricia
  1. 1 Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Madrid, España


London International Conference on Education 2012

ISBN: 9781908320117

Year of publication: 2012

Type: Conference paper


Nowadays higher education teachers are getting involved in motivating students to acquire significative learning throughout their life, as a contribution to their personal growth. To achieve this objective, specific teacher training in developing emotional competences in the teachers becomes necessary.The teacher, consciously or unconsciously, creates a work climate in the classrooms which affects to the learning outcomes. Though, students’ motivation is affected by the teacher behavior, his proximity to the student, his ability to manage emotions, to empathize and to communicate effectively. Non-verbal aspects are undoubtedly relevant in this process. However, teachers receive non significative experiential training on somatic aspects concerning the presence and expression of the body in the classroom.This paper presents the preliminary results of implementing an experiential learning program focused on body awareness and non-verbal communication. This enactive learning allows to improve teaching competencies related to emotional intelligence (intra and interpersonal).