Poder adquisitivo y precio de entradas de fútbol en España. ¿Es más o menos caro el fútbol ahora que hace 50 años?. El caso del club Atlético de Madrid

  1. Pérez González, Benito
  2. Álvaro Fernández-Luna
  3. Luis de la Riva
  4. Pablo Burillo
Journal of Sports Economics & Management

ISSN: 2340-7425

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 8

Pages: 73-79

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of Sports Economics & Management


In 1966 the Vicente Calderón Stadium was inaugurated with a game that faced the local team, Atlético de Madrid with Valencia CF. 50 years later the same match was held, one of the classics of the National League Championship in Spain. We have made a comparison of the prices of both match using deflators to make them comparative and also analyzing the purchasing power in both periods. Interestingly, while the prices of this party had increased by close to 300%, the average purchasing power measured by GDP per capita had also risen close to 300%. Therefore, an average Spaniard could buy a number of tickets for this similar sports show in the two periods (394: 1966, 400: 2016). There is a bibliography that confirms the same general increase in prices in the culture sector of the same type, while in the sectors as a whole prices have risen to a lesser extent than the average income.

Bibliographic References

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