Innovación docente en los estudios universitarios de administración y dirección de empresa bajo el espacio europeo de educación superior
- Verónica Baena Graciá
- Felipe Reis Graeml
- Simona Mihai Yiannaki
ISSN: 1988-7701
Year of publication: 2012
Volume: 5
Issue: 10
Type: Article
More publications in: Espiral. Cuadernos del profesorado
This article describes a business simulation activity named “The Dice Factory”, which was conducted with senior undergraduate business students in a Spanish University and a Cypriote Business School. Business simulations (business games) are an amazing tool for teaching and business practice that can be used in different educational levels, making it an ideal activity both in degree and graduate in any discipline of knowledge. The goal of this work is to integrate the theoretical knowledge acquired at the University, and contribute to the acquisition and development among students of different skills necessary to be successful in the professional world, such as teamwork, information management, planning, innovation, creativity, and responsibility among others. This works also attempts to minimize the effect of the learning inhibitors among students. Related to the empirical analysis, it is worth mentioning that 392 students participated in the activity and completed two semi-structured questionnaires (before and after their participating in "the Dice Factory"). The excellent results obtained from the descriptive statistics and the t-student means test confirmed the suitability of the proposed activity at the University.
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