Qualitative study of college tutoring through the expert panel method

  1. Inmaculada López Martín 1
  2. Ascensión Blanco Fernández 1
  3. Rosa Maria Pagan Marin 1
  4. Bienvenido Gazapo Andrade 1
  5. José María Arana del Valle 1
  6. Esther A. Pizarro Juanas 1
  7. Beatriz Martínez Pascual 1
  1. 1 Universidad Europea de Madrid, España
Higher learning research communications: HLRC

ISSN: 2157-6254

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 73-90

Type: Article

DOI: 10.18870/HLRC.V4I1.197 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Higher learning research communications: HLRC


The implementation of a quality Tutorial Action Plan (TAP), in which the integral formation of students is the main objective, is a topical issue in the Spanish university environment . This paper aims to identify the actions contemplated in the TAPs of different Spanish universities and catalog the different types of activities performed by the teachers-tutors in the context of tutorial action. To achieve this, the authors conducted a qualitative analysis based on expert panels. As a result, three main vectors were extracted: Standard elements in a college TAP, critical aspects from tutors and managers of tutorial actions, and tutorial actions with a seal of quality. From the analysis it was concluded that quality tutorial action is the basis for academic excellence. Its achievement requires to clarify and recognize the role of the tutor, adjust appropriately the ratio of students allocated per tutor, and promote the development of transversal skills in students. For this, the authors propose a cross-coordination among teachers, as well as counseling and support; tutor training and professionalism; and the application of working methods that allow proper guidance and monitoring of students.

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