Análisis de la empresa informativa moderna. Del papel al bitel caso de Cibeles Group L.L.C

  1. Mateos Abarca, Juan Pablo
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Peinado Miguel Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 September 2018

  1. Javier Fernández del Moral Chair
  2. Pedro García-Alonso Montoya Secretary
  3. David Lavilla Muñoz Committee member
  4. Pedro Farias Batlle Committee member
  5. Carlos Cachán Alcolea Committee member

Type: Thesis


Cibeles Group L.L.C is a paradigmatic example of the evolution of modern media companies in recent decades. The company has gone through all the stages of this typo of business: first it was a printing media, after turned into digital, adapting itself to the current ecosystem and having to develop succesfully new products of great innovation, requested by their customers and consumers.The company, from its first years dedicated to editing, had to reinvent itself, generating new ways of business, products and services to survive. Its history is a defining example of the vicissitudes of Spanish media companies and, even of other countries, in a volatile market environment, sometimes uncomfortable and, in recent years, very stormy and risky.The bubble of the ".COM" companies of the '90, the huge and devastating crisis at the beginning of the 21st century and the constant changes in the printing and digital business models, make of the Cibeles Group LLC an ideal frame of study to be able to understand the digital transformation of media companies in our days.The study of a company as particular as Cibeles Group L.L.C. implies a series of derivatives and ramifications that go beyond the simple analysis of a modern information company. Cibeles Group L.L.C is a digital publishing software engineering company, which develops platforms, products and services for hundreds of information companies for the media; but, in addition, it publishes its own digital native media and generates a digital advertising circuit thanks to its editorial products and the editors it serves.